Zilpayal replied

335 weeks ago

Knights Of The Damned Hd Full Movie Download > DOWNLOAD

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The King has sent his best Knights to defeat the Dragon besieging his castle. Along their epic adventure they encounter malicious sirens, warrior women on a mission of revenge and an unstoppable army of the undead. Can they survive?
After relentless attacks on his castle, the King sends his best Knights to defeat the Dragon besieging them. Along their epic adventure they encounter malicious water sirens, a race of warrior women on a mission of revenge and an unstoppable army of the undead. Do they have what it takes to complete their mission and will they uncover the mysterious truth behind their journey?
Firstly I feel very mislead when buying this DVD. Plastered all over the cover that it&#39;s award winning producer of Game of Thrones etc.It isn&#39;t. The film maker is the producer of the shows son and so is no affiliation to those shows. After careful inspection it doesn&#39;t say from award winning producer..<br/><br/>Secondly, the poor CGI and BAD acting. It ruins everything about it. It sways from well spoken to common language. Very irritating. Just avoid it or rinse your eyes with bleach afterwards.<br/><br/>Finally,so we didn&#39;t feel robbed of the price, we treated it as a comedy trying to spot historical and physical errors. Like modern interiors of a medieval castle, in a scene a knight rips a tree from the ground, once lifted its flat and has no roots. The play- dough Dragon that graces us with it&#39;s presence. There is more, but I won&#39;t spoil in case you do end up watching.
Storyline had potential, but the acting was lackluster. I don&#39;t recommend this movie. I feel duped. I purchased this movie on Amazon instead of renting. Let the buyer beware.

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JustinJacob replied

230 weeks ago

"The Knights Of The Damned" is a movie that shows the story of a group of knights encounters an unstoppable army of the dead on assignment by the King to slay the dragon besieging his kingdom. best online engagement rings store The fight sequences of this movie are very thrilling one.
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